
Call for Paper Vol. 5, No. 1



  • Authors are cordially invited to submit papers to the upcoming edition Vol 5., No1., August 2022 Edition. The manuscript paper can be submitted online. If you face problems with paper submission, please feel free to contact the editor at Manuscripts submitted to this journal will be deemed as they have not been published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • All submissions go through a high-quality peer-review process.
  • The estimated publication from the time of submission is less than 3 months (major revisions might elongate the process by up to 3 weeks).
  • All accepted papers will be edited by an experienced team, and published in both HTML and PDF formats.
  • The volume of the SSM journal will be published under an ISSN reference and each paper will be assigned unique DOIs by CrossRef, and will be index by Publons, CiteFactor, OCLC, BASE, ResearchBib, WorldCat, DataCite, and SO on. 
Read more about Call for Paper Vol. 5, No. 1

Current Issue

Vol 6 No 3 (2023): Sustainable Structures and Materials, An International Journal
Published: 2023-07-16

SSMIJ (Regular Issues)

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 Sustainable Structures and Materials (SSM) is an international peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes twice a year with original research articles as well as review articles in all areas sustainable structure and building materials. The journal welcomes submissions across a range of disciplines and publishes both theoretical and practical studies. Contributions from academia and from industry are equally encouraged.

SSM provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly journals. It operates a fully open access publishing model which allows open global access to its published content. SSM is in the process to get many leading abstracting and indexing databases.

Sustainable Structures and Materials (SSM) provides a valuable dispersion of research and development in the field of sustainable structure and building materials. The journal publishes a wide range of international research which describes simulation, laboratory, and numerical study on different projects as well as review articles and short discussions and communications.

The aim of Sustainable Structures and Materials is to develop an inter-disciplinary platform for the dissemination of knowledge and practice on the engineering and architecture issues concerning all aspects of building design, technology, energy and environmental performance use of new materials and up-to-date technologies.

The journal covers the following dimensions or categories of a Sustainable Structures and Materials, but is not restricted to:

  • Materials and new technologies included: cement, mortar, reinforced concrete, Self-healing concrete, bricks, additives, corrosion technology, ceramics, timber, different types of fibers, recycled materials, sealants, and adhesives.
  • New designs, re-design, repair and maintenance, restoration, and rehabilitation of the following: bridges, high-rise buildings, dams, civil engineering structures, silos, highway pavements, tunnels, sewers, roofing, housing, and heritage buildings.
  • All dimensions of sustainable structures and Materials included: various contexts of environmental, social, cultural development and economic angles and managed over many measures of time and space.